
Democrats face accusations of fraud in House race after 28,000-vote lead on election night erased by judge and mail-in ballots
A New York congressional race came down to a judge personally reviewing individual spoiled ballots, resulting in the Democratic incumbent erasing his nearly 30,000-vote deficit to take a 13-vote lead and declaring victory. Read More.
LA health official claims not wearing a mask is the same as performing acts of domestic terrorism
LOS ANGELES, CA – A Los Angeles health official said that those who decide not to wear a mask are the same as those who commit acts of domestic terrorism, as if blowing something up with millions of people killed is equivalent to not wearing a mask. Read More.
California’s Highest-Paid Govt Employee Worked for Org Tied to Chinese Espionage
California taxpayers shelled out more than $1 million to a man linked to a Chinese espionage program, making him the state government’s highest-paid worker. Read More.
Left ‘Giddy’ Anticipating More Spending on Schools and Tighter Regulations on Local School Districts
Teachers’ unions and others on the left are “giddy” anticipating a Biden/Harris administration they expect will greatly increase spending on government schools and tighten regulations on local school districts. Read More.
Arizona Legislature to Hold Public Hearings on Matters of Election Integrity, “Stop the Steal” Rally Being Held Saturday
The Arizona legislature will hold a hearing on election improprieties and the integrity of the state’s 2020 election on Monday. Read More.
EXCLUSIVE: CNN Credits Democrats’ ‘Native Votes’ Effort That Bribed Voters for ‘Biden Victory’
CNN openly credited a “Native Votes” effort from Democrat organizers that bribed voters with gift cards, electronics, and even resort stays with Joe Biden’s alleged win. Read More.
Biden Announces Pick For OMB; GOP Senator: ‘Zero Chance Of Being Confirmed’
On Monday, former Vice President Joe Biden announced he had selected Neera Tanden, the president of The Center for American Progress and a close friend of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as his choice to head the White House Office of Management and Budget, eliciting criticism from both sides of the political aisle. Read More.
Rashida Tlaib Scrubs Another Anti-Semitic Tweet
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) scrubbed a tweet on Monday that included an anti-Semitic phrase often used by terrorist groups that seek the destruction of Israel. Read More.
Entire Police Force Resigns Amid Complaints Of ‘Micro-Managing’ Mayor
The entire police force of Pine Ridge, South Carolina, quit their jobs in protest of alleged micro-management by the city’s mayor in October, according to The State. Read More.
The Future Of President Trump’s Agenda Hangs On Georgia
How permanent an impact a Joe Biden presidency will have comes down almost entirely to what happens in the state of Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021. Read More.
Trump says coronavirus vaccine deliveries will start next week
Front-line workers, medical personnel and seniors will be the vaccine's first recipients Read More.
Sidney Powell sues Georgia officials, alleging massive scheme to rig election for Joe Biden
Prominent defense lawyer says scheme centered around modern 'ballot stuffing' hidden by voter machine algorithms. Read More.
Donald Trump Says He Will Campaign in Georgia December 5
President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would campaign in Georgia Saturday, December 5, to help Republicans in the Senate runoff election. Read More.
NYC to Have Coronavirus Checkpoints, Sheriff Warns of ‘Consequences’ for Violating Quarantine
NYC to Have Coronavirus Checkpoints, Sheriff Warns of ‘Consequences’ for Violating Quarantine Read More.
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