Tariq Nasheed Calls Out Joe Biden’s Amnesty Plan

The social commentator Tariq Nasheed has been a major skeptic of Joe Biden’s ascent to the presidency of the U.S. Biden has already put forward an amnesty bill that would legalize 11 million illegal aliens, which is now bringing back this controversial debate to the fore.

On January 19, 2020, Nashed tweeted, “Question for the Biden supporters: Can you name ONE BENEFIT that Foundational Black Americans will gain from Biden prioritizing 11 million undocumented immigrants coming into the country? That’s a simple question that no one seems to answer.”

Nasheed is an advocate for Foundational Black Americans (FBAs), blacks who were brought to the country as slaves and who have resided in the country ever since. 

Nasheed is an immigration skeptic, who views migrants as scab labor that depresses the wages of FBAs while also diluting public assistance for FBAs, as numerous migrant groups push for their own ethnic-based handouts at the expense of FBAs and Founding Stock Americans.

It is often forgotten that there is a strong tradition of immigration restriction among blacks in America that goes back to the days of Booker T. Washington all the way to Barbara Jordan’s efforts to restrict immigration in the 1990s. Before the advent of the welfare state, there was a strong ethnic consciousness in the black community that propelled it to build its own businesses, churches, schools, and other institutions. On top of that, blacks developed an independent identity that viewed foreigners, especially those who came to undercut domestic black labor, with skepticism.
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