At the present, the US is experiencing a woke cultural revolution where all levers of state power are being used to destroy free speech.
Just ask one woman in upstate New York what happens when her child deviates from state-accepted behavior. According to Gabrielle Fonrouge of the the New York Post, “The upstate woman has been told [by an appellate court] she needs to ditch a driveway decoration painted with a confederate flag or risk losing custody of her mixed race child — even though a family court judge didn’t consider it to be an issue when it was raised during trial.”
“Given that the child is of mixed race, it would seem apparent that the presence of the flag is not in the child’s best interests, as the mother must encourage and teach the child to embrace her mixed race identity, rather than thrust her into a world that only makes sense through the tortured lens of cognitive dissonance,” judges belonging to the Appellate Division’s Third Department in Albany declared in a ruling that they issued on May 6, 2021.
The judges argued that when “viewed pragmatically” the “presence of the confederate flag” functions as a symbol that inflames “the already strained relationship between the parties.”
According to their ruling, the refusal to remove the rock by June 1 “shall constitute a change in circumstances.” In other words, the parents’ custody agreement could be modified, and “Family Court shall factor this into any future best interests analysis.”
The parents in question have had joint legal custody of the girl, who was born in 2014. However, Fonrouge observed that “the mother wants the dad to only see his daughter every other weekend, and the father wants sole custody.”