Pro-life journalist David Daleiden is demanding the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) pay him and his organization $75,000 for allegedly defaming both in their responses to his explosive undercover videos.
The complaint highlights statements in which the nation's largest abortion provider accused Daleiden and his Center for Medical Progress of conducting a false smear campaign. Filed in New York's Southern District Thursday, the suit came months after Daleiden started releasing videos of depositions in his civil suit with PPFA, arguing that they verified the troubling content of his footage and claims.
Among them is the claim that PPFA violated federal law by altering abortion procedures in order to sell fetal tissue -- something PPFA has emphatically denied.
“Planned Parenthood admits my videos are true when under oath in federal court, but when speaking to the public, Planned Parenthood lies and calls the videos fake," he said in a press release.