After spending five years attempting to claim President Trump stole the 2016 election, after five years of pushing the Russia Collusion Hoax, after five years of promoting and encouraging violence against Trump and his supporters, the far-left CNN is now demanding that its competition at OAN and Newsmax TV be blacklisted.
CNNLOL isn’t bothering to hide its McCarthysim anymore. CNNLOL is straight-up calling for the big cable TV companies to rip OAN and Newsmax TV off of their bundles, to no longer make either network available to their customers. And after the cable companies agree to do this (and they will), CNNLOL will go after every streaming outlet that carries OAN and Newsmax, and on and on and on…
And this is where I’m supposed to get all outraged about CNNLOL’s hypocrisy and anti-Americanism and unfairness and double standards and bias and blah, blah, blah…
Well, I’m so goddamned tired of writing about CNNLOL’s blah, blah, blah, I’m not going to do to anymore.
I was warning everyone about CNNLOL’s embrace of political violence and McCarthysim eight years ago, during the Obama years, when people were laughing at me for being an alarmist…
All the way back in 2019, I warned everyone that CNNLOL was coming to blacklist YOU and that it was time to start building our own thing.
This doesn’t make me Nostradamus. I was just paying attention. And I was right. I’m not always right, but on this one I was right.
Let me put it to you this way…
The Twitter alternative Gab is up and running.
The Twitter alternative Parler is down.
You want to know why?
Gab built its own thing. Gab created its own servers so no one could take it down.
Parler is down because Parler used Amazon’s servers. Amazon! What did Parler expect? Why would any right-leaning anything count on Amazon/Google/Facebook/Apple/YouTube/Twitter to keep its business alive? You’re begging to be out of business.
And now the whining begins…