CNN host Chris Cuomo mocked Sen. Marco Rubio’s faith on Monday, referring to him as "Mr. Bible Boy" and saying "he’s got a Bible quote for every moment, he just never speaks truth to power or acts on any of it."
Cuomo and fellow CNN host Don Lemon, who are both labeled as news anchors despite regularly offering anti-conservative opinions, have made a habit of defending Democrats and bashing Republicans during their nightly handoffs.
Monday was no different, as Lemon moved his wedding ring to his pinky and attempted to impersonate a combination of President Trump and a stereotypical mob boss to mock the recently leaked phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
Lemon then dropped the faux accent and praised Raffensperger as a "man of faith."
"I learned about it tonight as I was watching CNN, he is a man of faith and he’s relying on his faith and that’s why he could sit there and, just, very stoically say, ‘I’m sorry Mr. President, you’re wrong,’" Lemon said.
During Saturday's phone call, which was obtained by The Washington Post and published in full, the president urged Raffensperger to "find" enough votes to reverse the state's election results. President-elect Joe Biden won the state by less than 12,000 votes, becoming the first Democrat since 1992 to take Georgia in a presidential election.