MADISON, Wis.—Kenneth Brown says Wisconsin voters should expect fair and honest elections. Billionaire-funded, third-party groups involved in administering local elections turn that expectation on its head, he says.
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Several Oklahoma State senators have introduced a bill that would ban Critical Race Theory and similar beliefs from being required teaching and training in public schools and universities.
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As Democrats push to expand the federal government’s purview over elections, President Joe Biden has named a former Justice Department official to be a White House adviser on voting issues.
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“Regardless of what Ma’Khia Bryant may have been doing, there is no justification for taking her life without attempting some form of intervention,” and that people are now having “conversations about who is murdered in the streets as a 16-year-old.”
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Chinese dictator Xi Jinping used his appearance Thursday morning at the Biden administration’s Leaders Summit on Climate to promote China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a debt trap program in which China offers predatory loans to developing countries in exchange for helping build infrastructure. Read More.
Neighborhood social media app Nextdoor has recently announced a new “anti-racist” notification that warns users to reconsider sending messages with the phrases “All Lives Matter” and “Blue Lives Matter.” Read More.
NBA star Lebron James is under attack from law enforcement after publishing an incredibly low IQ tweet demonizing a police officer who saved a woman from a knife attack. Read More.
Columbus Police Department officials released an officer’s bodycam video showing the seconds leading up to the shooting of a teenage girl. The chaotic video shows a fight in progress. Read More.