US Trade Commission Extends Probe Into Solar Tariff Evasion in Southeast Asia

The U.S. International Trade Commission voted on June 7 to continue its investigation into potential tariff-dodging by manufacturers of photovoltaic solar cells in southeastern Asia.

This decision is the latest in a years-long saga that the U.S. solar industry claims could have a devastating impact on manufacturing.

The commission confirmed in a news release on June 7 that it will keep moving forward with its investigation of the manufacturers who are located in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

China-based companies have been accused by supporters of the investigation, such as the American Alliance for Solar Manufacturing Trade Committee, of employing these manufacturers in order to evade U.S. tariffs targeting the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) unfair subsidizing of the solar panel industry, which the Biden administration said was aimed at “creating dependency.”

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