Trump leads Biden 48 to 45 in Nevada—state has not gone red in 20 years: AARP poll

A recent AARP poll has revealed that former President Donald Trump holds a lead over incumbent President Joe Biden in Nevada, a state that has not voted Republican in a presidential election for 20 years. 

The survey, published by AARP on Tuesday, showed Trump leading Biden by three points, with 48 percent of respondents favoring Trump compared to 45 percent for Biden in Nevada. When third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is factored in, Trump's lead expands to seven points. However, Kennedy has not yet qualified to appear on the Nevada ballot in November, and state Democrats are working to challenge his eligibility. 

The poll highlighted significant demographic trends, particularly among voters over the age of 50, where Trump commands a substantial lead over Biden, 53 to 41 percent. Conversely, Biden leads Trump 51 to 41 points among Hispanic voters in the same age group. 1,368 likely Nevada voters (includes 600 statewide, 800 ages 50+ and 400 Hispanic ages 50+) were surveyed between June 12-18, 2024, with a sampling error of +/- 3.5-4.9 points.  

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