Trump Campaign Says It Holds More Cash Than Biden Campaign

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign says it entered July with $284.9 million on hand.

In a press release, Donald J. Trump for President 2024 Inc., noted that the campaign raised $331 million between the beginning of April and the end of June. That figure exceeds the $264 million that the Democratic National Committee said it raised over the same period.

The Biden campaign meanwhile announced on Tuesday it had $240 million in cash at the end of June.

The figures for both campaigns cannot be independently verified yet, as none of the bodies regulated by the Federal Election Commission have issued public disclosure statements on their June activities.

However, committees reporting quarterly are due to release financials on July 15, and the entities publishing monthly disclosures will do so on July 20. Those documents will give the public a clear view of each candidate’s finances in the 2024 election cycle.

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