Trump Campaign Announces Legal Battles In Key Swing States

  • by:
  • Source: OAN
  • 11/05/2020
The Trump campaign has launched legal battles in multiple key swing states.

On Wednesday, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, Eric Trump, and senior Trump campaign adviser Lara Trump spoke in Philadelphia and accused Democrats of fraud in the counting of local mail-in ballots.

They stated poll-watchers were prevented from observing ballots being counted. Eric Trump said Democrat attempts to rig the election have been observed throughout the process so this latest one comes as no surprise.

“The Democrats know that the only way that they can win this election is to cheat in Pennsylvania,” the President’s son noted. “There is video after video of them passing out collateral material in polling sites all over Philadelphia…They’re trying to cheat,” noted the President’s son.

This came as the campaign filed lawsuits in Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia amid evidence of fraud in those states as well.

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