Trump camp keeps pressure on Biden to release list of SCOTUS picks after Ginsburg death

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  • Source: Fox News
  • 09/22/2020
The Trump campaign is keeping pressure on Democratic presidential nominee Joe Bidento release a list of potential Supreme Court nominees should he be elected president in November, saying the former vice president is “hiding” the “radical leftists” he would appoint to the high court from the American people.

President Trump’s reelection campaign, for weeks, has been pressing Biden to release a list of potential picks to the Supreme Court, but with the vacancy left by late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the campaign is ramping up its calls.

“President Trump has been completely transparent by releasing names he’s considering for the Supreme Court four times since 2016,” Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh told Fox News.

“Now that Joe Biden has broken his promise to release his own list, what is he hiding?” Murtaugh continued. “We know he’s a tool of the radical left, so the only answer must be that he doesn’t want Americans to see the radical leftists he would appoint, with judicial histories littered with extremist rulings on issues like abortion, religious freedom, immigration, Second Amendment rights and government regulation.”

Biden, in June, told reporters that he was “putting together a list of a group of African American women who are qualified and have the experience to be on the court.”
“I am not going to release that until we go further down the line in vetting them, as well,” Biden said at the time, without committing to a specific date to roll out the names.

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