The life and times of U.S. Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt

The writer is a licensed private investigator and firearms instructor in New York and Virginia for more than 25 years. He is a Certified Protection Professional (CPP), a Personal Protection Specialist (PPS) and the CEO of an executive protection firm.

With the recent reports that the Capitol Police Officer who shot Ashli Babbitt, the unarmed protestor at the capitol on January 6th, may not be charged, I have to wonder if this will provide a “license to kill” for all police officers who are faced with an angry conservative protester?

Yes, that is a strong statement, and I don’t make it lightly nor is it a joke. In fact, it’s not funny at all. I could not be more serious!

A quick recap of the situation: Numerous protestors had entered the Capitol Building at the time of her shooting. More evidence is needed to see exactly how Ms. Babbitt actually entered as there are videos of numerous protesters entering through an open door filing past U.S. Capitol Police officers. Some of the officers reportedly took selfies with some of the protesters who were angry that the Senate was to vote on the electoral votes and had heard that Vice President Mike Pence was going to approve the votes despite there being contested votes from multiple states due to reports of election irregularities.

Ms. Babbitt and a number of other protesters were in a hallway with the doors locked, and were pounding on the door and windows. On the other side of the wall and door were Capitol Police officers and probable other Federal Law Enforcement officers.

Ms. Babbitt was standing yelling at the officers when one of the officers stepped up, took aim and shot Ms. Babbitt in the neck. She fell backwards to the floor mortally wounded. All of this was captured on multiple videos that instantly went viral!
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