Supreme Court to Weigh Constitutionality of Laws Regulating Social Media Giants

The Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments on Feb. 26 in two big social media cases that could have wide-reaching implications for how companies like Facebook can moderate or censor content.

Two cases—Moody v. Netchoice and Netchoice v. Paxton—are coming before the court in disputes over Texas’ and Florida’s social media laws. The states’ attempts to rein in big tech laid out many parameters for how companies could remove content they found objectionable.

Netchoice, an organization representing multiple social media companies, has sued alleging that both laws violate the companies’ First Amendment rights. The group has likened their activities to those of a newspaper making editorial decisions about which content to include in publication.

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Supreme Court by Adam Szuscik is licensed under Unsplash

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