Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Connecticut Vaccine Law That Eliminated Religious Exemptions

U.S. Supreme Court justices have rebuffed a challenge to a Connecticut law that revoked religious exemptions to childhood vaccine requirements.

The nation’s top court declined an appeal to consider overturning a split lower court ruling that found the law was constitutional.

The justices did not comment on the rejection.

The law, enacted in 2021, ended the decades-old religious exemptions to vaccine requirements for schoolchildren and kids in daycare. The only exception is for children who had already been granted religious exemptions. Medical exemptions are still available.
Parents sued soon after, alleging the law violated their constitutional rights, including the right to free exercise of religion outlined in the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment.

U.S. District Judge Janet Bond Arterton tossed the lawsuit in 2022, finding that vaccine requirements to attend school, under Supreme Court precedent, do not violate the free exercise right.

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