Supreme Court Opens the Door for Public Schools to Adopt Transgender Insanity by Denying Crucial Legal Challenge

The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has opened the door for public schools to adopt transgender insanity on a grand scale by denying a crucial case that would have protected children from this psychotic agenda.

On Monday, SCOTUS rejected Gloucester County School Board v. Grimm, and legal analyst Margot Cleveland explained that this will allow public schools to aggressively implement the promotion of transgenderism as official policy.

Cleveland wrote in her analysis for The Federalist that SCOTUS ruled in R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC (2020) by a 6-3 margin that transgender discrimination is illegal under Title IX law. However, SCOTUS essentially punted in this ruling on defining what exactly constitutes transgender discrimination. Grimm could have provided the court with the opportunity to establish a framework that would keep LGBT predators at bay.

She wrote that “while the Supreme Court may see no urgency in the resolving the legal questions at issue, while the justices sit on the sidelines, the privacy rights of children (and adults) are at risk, as are parental rights, the right to free exercise of religion, and the right to free speech—which also includes the right not to be compelled to speak, even when the forced speech concerns pronouns.”

It was only Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas that wanted to hear Harris Funeral Homes. The rest of the justices, including Trump picks Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, voted to punt on the issue and enable transgenders to target school children.

Big League Politics has reported on how institutional power is pushing transgenderism constantly as they soften America up for its destruction and subsequent incorporation under a one-world government:
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