MOSINEE, Wis. — I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much excitement in my entire life. Thousands of people cattle-chuted their way through the endless maze of rent-a-fence. Men and women, young and old, sporting all manner of Americana attire and MAGA paraphernalia, lined up in the heart of the 2020 battleground to show their love for the greatest country on Earth and catch a glimpse of their president, Donald Trump.
For many of these Trump rally attendees, flyover folks from the rural Midwest, this was the first time they’d ever seen the president — any president. For hours, many waited in line outside the security checkpoint, then for several more hours, they stood in the corral outside the Central Wisconsin Aviation hangar, where the leader of the free world would eventually speak.
Why Mosinee?
Trump hosting a “Great American Comeback” event in this small paper-mill town of only 4,000 people was no accident. He held a rally in the same town in 2018. Political winds have shifted in Marathon County, where Mosinee is situated, over the past decade. Marathon County, which went for Barack Obama in 2008 with 54 percent of the vote to John McCain’s 45 percent, flipped red just four years later. Then in 2016, Trump won with a handsome 56 percent of the vote to Hillary Clinton’s 38 percent.