Pennsylvania Senate Chairman Says Election Audit a “very real possibility” as State Proposes Election Reform Legislation

Despite many people thinking an audit in Pennsylvania would be too difficult to initiate the State Senate Chairman of the Government Committee,  Dave Argall, has said an audit is “a very real possibility” after hearing from residents and constituents.

PENNSYLVANIA –  The Pennsylvania state Senate committee chair in charge of overseeing elections said a forensic audit was a “very real possibility” Thursday after meeting with activists Wednesday.

Senate State Government Committee Chairman Dave Argall, R-Schuylkill, told the Capital-Star that he was considering subpoenas for ballot information, but had not considered which jurisdictions would be subpoenaed yet.  “There are a lot of things under consideration right now, and I told them to check back in a week or two and we hope to have some more detail,” Argall told the Capital-Star of the meeting. (READ MORE)

This will not please U.S. Attorney Merrick Garland who has announced his intention to double the number of lawyers in the DOJ Civil Rights Division (hired from Lawfare ranks) to fight any effort to reveal election fraud.
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