NYC Mayor Signs Bill Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has officially signed a bill that will grant voting rights to non-US citizens residing within his juristiction. Big League Politics previously reported back in November that the New York City Council was planning on introducing the legislation. Now, the insanity has been cemented into law. The law, which passed the legislative processes last month, is believed the grant voting rights to over 800,000 non-citizen New York City residents.

According to the National Review: “New York City will be the first to institute such a law. Under the law, legal non-Americans would be able to vote for a number of elected positions including the mayor, comptroller, public advocate, borough president, and council member.”

The new requirements to vote in the city are quite simple in structure, yet dangerous; reside in New York City for more than 30 days, and you are no an eligible voter, at least in the scheme of local politics. This means that anyone who hops right off the boat and lives in New York for just a single month will now wield the same voting power as a guy who was born and raised there for the past 50 years. This is absolute insanity. According to former Trump advisor Stephen Miller, if we continue down this path, we will cease to be a republic.
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