If I had to boil down the political wisdom I’ve learned over four decades of observing, studying, writing, and debating, it would be this…
Life in Rural America (which is where Republican Trump voters live and govern), is clean, safe and racially tolerant. Most places in America where life is dirty, polluted, dangerous, violent, and plagued with racial hate and race riots, are cities that are almost exclusively populated by and governed by Democrats.
Outside of these Democrat-run cities, America is peaceful, safe, clean, and racially tolerant.
What’s more, if you remove these Democrat-run cities from our national statistics, you will find an America that is overwhelmingly peaceful, safe, clean, and racially tolerant.
Nevertheless, Democrats and their fake-media allies still blame Republicans for all of their problems.
According to them, it is Republicans who are responsible for racism, pollution, and gun violence — even though, out here where we all live, our air, water, and streets are safe and clean… We all own guns, but where we live there is no gun violence crisis… We are all supposed to be racists and responsible for all the hate crimes, but out here where we all live, there is no hate crime crisis.
Now, there will be exceptions, but those exceptions only serve to prove the rule.
Let me lay this out for you…
Leftists say they want to live in a Utopia free of gun violence, free of pollution, and free of racism…
Well, that place already exists.
It’s called Rural MAGA Land.