Michelle Obama Is Complicit In Netflix Child Porn Film ‘Cuties’

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  • Source: The Federalist
  • 09/14/2020
This article includes clips of young children dressing and dancing sexually.

At a time the left has declared that “silence is violence,” Michelle Obama’s silence on Netflix’s controversial movie “Cuties” has not gone unnoticed. It is also undermining her brand as “America’s mom” and chief defender of female empowerment across the globe.

No one should doubt the considerable power former first lady Michelle Obama wields within Netflix or the unrivaled cultural influence she has to speak out in defense of preserving girlhood and innocence. Sadly, however, Michelle has a troubling history of celebrating, rather than denouncing, the sexualization of popular culture and of elevating artists who contribute to the pernicious cultural trend of equating stripper culture with female empowerment.

In 2018, Barack and Michelle Obama penned an eye-watering $50 million deal with Netflix to produce content for the popular subscription streaming service that would “promote greater empathy and understanding.” Michelle Obama is also the founder of the Global Girls Alliance, an “Obama Foundation” initiative to “empower girls.”

With close friends like Ambassador Susan Rice on the Netflix board of directors, it is not unreasonable to assume that Michelle could have stopped “Cuties” from airing, scolding executives for duping her when she joined the Netflix family and proudly declared it “a natural fit for the kinds of stories we want to share.” At the very least, she could have expressed public outrage over the film’s hyper-sexualized depictions of 11-year-old girls or even Netflix’s original promotional art for the film, for which they eventually apologized.

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