Hunter Biden Asks Federal Court to Delay Gun Trial

Hunter Biden has asked a federal court to delay proceedings in his felony gun trial, citing constitutional questions related to his connection to illicit drugs in this indictment, violations of his First Amendment rights, and a scheduling conflict with his California tax charge case, according to court papers filed May 20.

Mr. Biden’s latest request with the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals Court in Delaware asks for a rehearing before the court’s full panel of 14 judges, claiming that “three new developments have occurred” since his bid was rejected by a panel of three judges in that court on May 9.

“There is no urgency in having an immediate trial of Robert Hunter Biden, but the district court is pressing forward with a June 3, 2024 trial and imposing all the pretrial burdens that come with that even before this Court has issued its mandate returning jurisdiction to the district court,” said the request, filed by the defendant’s attorney, Abbe David Lowell.

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