How Joe Biden Will Open The Floodgates To Transgendering Public Schools

The next several years are likely to reopen the floodgates to leftists’ long repurposing of public schools to indoctrinate children with lies about sex. According to leftist reporting, once in office Joe Biden plans to quickly use executive power to push transgenderism in schools, farther than President Obama did. In Congress, Democrats plan to prioritize legislation to do the same, potentially with Republican support, with the so-called Equality Act and more.

On Nov. 7, Biden was reportedly the first candidate to mention transgenderism in his speech claiming he had won the presidency. This is only the tip of the iceberg. On the campaign trail, Biden promised to reinstate President Obama’s requirement that public schools put boys in girls’ sports and showers, and push this issue much more.

“I will flat out just change the law, eliminate those executive orders. There should be zero discrimination,” Biden said of Trump’s transgender policies in October to the mother of an eight-year-old child she claims is transgender.

“Joe Biden said that on his first day of office, he will give transgender students access to sports, bathrooms and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity in all federally funded schools,” (emphasis added) a reporter said to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer after the election, in December. “Do you think he has the ability to do this and do you agree with his decision?”

“I agree with the decision and I know he’ll check things out thoroughly, legally,” Schumer responded.
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