Giuliani, Trump campaign attorneys outline 'multiple pathways to victory' in key state vote audits

President Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and Trump campaign senior legal advisers Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell on Thursday described patterns of potential massive voter fraud on Election Day and outlined what they say are remaining "multiple pathways to victory" for President Trump and the legal strategies they are pursing to get there.

Giuliani, a former New York City mayor, spent the bulk of his speaking time during the press conference discussing specific evidence of voter fraud the campaign has collected in the 16 days since the election, which includes hundreds of signed affidavits from individuals alleging criminal election activity took place in major cities like Detroit and Philadelphia.

Giuliani called what the campaign attorneys are finding a "pattern" that "repeats itself in multiple states ... specifically focused on big cities ... that, as you would imagine, are controlled by Democrats."

He said that Philadelphia and Detroit have lengthy histories of cheating during elections, saying that Philadelphia, in particular, has cheated in every election that has been held in the past 60 years.

"You could say a similar thing about Detroit," he continued. 

Giuliani, who has been leading the campaign's legal efforts and strategies in most states, then described the type of voter fraud he believes took place across the swing-state Pennsylvania. He declared that, according to evidence accrued by the team of senior attorneys, 682,770 ballots cast in the state were not inspected, "which renders them ballots that were null and void."

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