Elon Musk calls for unmasking of Patriot Front: ‘just follow them’

On Sunday, X owner Elon Musk called for members of the Patriot Front organization to be unmasked and questioned "Why doesn't the media or government care about their identities?" He asked.

The comment came in response to X user Wall Street Silver, who theorized, "The fact that the legacy media shows zero curiosity about unmasking these guys, tells us 100% that these are federal agents or paid stooges of one of the agencies." 

"Seems like they should be followed and unmasked," Musk said.

On Saturday, a video showed 90-150 individuals marching in lockstep in New York City, escorted by police officers. It was shared across social media. The individuals all wore the same masks and caps.

The group marched through downtown Manhattan making their way down Wall Street. They were also seen near the 9/11 memorial and World Trade Center location, and held a demonstration outside the National Archives with a sign that read, "No Zionists in government."

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Elon Musk by Bret Hartman is licensed under TED Conferences, LLC Bret Hartman / TED
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