Dozens of New York restaurant owners sue Gov. Cuomo over coronavirus restrictions

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  • Source: The Blaze
  • 12/31/2020
Dozens of restaurant owners in upstate and western New York have joined a lawsuit that has been filed against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D), alleging that state restrictions that are keeping their facilities closed are arbitrary and not based on science.

The lawsuit was originally filed in the week before Christmas, according to WKBW-TV in Buffalo, and by last week had over 40 restaurants named as plaintiffs. The lawsuit alleges that the restaurant owners have been deprived of constitutional rights without a rational, scientific basis.

Specifically, restaurant owners in Erie County complain that the "orange" designation applied to the county by the state requires them to remain closed while restaurants that are "around the corner" in neighboring "yellow" counties remain open. They note that according to the state's own figures, less than 1.5 percent of COVID-19 cases in the state are traceable to restaurants or bars.
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