Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said that, if elected, he will institute a national coronavirus mask mandate.
Face masks "have not worked to stop the spread anywhere they have been mandated with full compliance," Daniel Horowitz noted in an Oct. 7 analysis for The Blaze.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on Monday said that in addition to large droplets, there are tiny atomized particles of the coronavirus that are emitted every time an infected person breaths or speaks, much less coughs or sneezes.
"These virions are so small that they are usually about 1/20 the size of common bacteria. As such, they can remain suspended in the air and infect someone else, primarily indoors where there is poor ventilation and no wind," Horowitz noted.
"While the CDC claims this is not the primary source of transmission (they need to protect the mask mandates!), they concede that in enclosed spaces where an infected individual had been present for a longer period of time, these aerosols can remain suspended for a while and travel more than six feet."
Horowitz noted that while the CDC downplays this form of transmission as uncommon, "the reality of the past six months tells a different story."