Carlson warned if “cancel culture” was allowed to succeed with Dr. Seuss, America would be “lost.”
Transcript as follows:
CARLSON: Almost four years ago on the show, we talked to a former Georgia State Representative called LaDawn Jones about Black Lives Matter. Jones is a strong supporter of BLM. So not surprisingly, she was well-practiced in the now highly familiar tactic of denouncing everything she doesn’t like as racist, and we knew that going into the interview.
What was surprising was to hear LaDawn Jones go after the beloved children’s book author, Dr. Seuss. She called Dr. Seuss a bigot. Here’s the exchange from 2017.
LADAWN JONES, FORMER GEORGIA STATE REPRESENTATIVE: I actually had to — once I heard the story — pull out our Dr. Seuss books that are on my children’s bookshelf and take a closer look at them so I can see exactly what it was that was the complaint. And as is normal for many of us —
CARLSON: Well, what was it? What was it? I mean, actually, I’ve been obviously speaking tongue in cheek because this is like literally demented. But since you said that you checked Dr. Seuss for racism. What did you find? Where were the racist parts?
JONES: So you look at many of the drawings and you have to put it in the context of the times that many of these books were written and you can see that there are some very stereotypical drawings of Asian-Americans.
Dr. Seuss was known for some very stereotypical black face drawings prior to the books that most of us are familiar with.
CARLSON: Now at the time, what you just heard seemed incomprehensible In fact, as we noted, kind of demented. Say what you will about Dr. Seuss, maybe you think his drawings are primitive, maybe some of his dog roll doesn’t actually rhyme, fair.
But Dr. Seuss was not a racist. Dr. Seuss was a preachy liberal. He was an evangelist against bigotry. He wrote an entire shelf of books against racism and not in a subtle way. They were clearly explicitly against racism. That was the whole point of writing them to teach children not to be racist.