California Provides Millions in Loans for Illegal Alien Business Owners

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, confirmed that his administration is providing economic relief to businesses in his state that do not otherwise qualify for federal aid, including those owned by illegal aliens.

“[W]e always consider those that are documented, those that are undocumented, those that are living in mixed-status families,” Newsom said Friday during a press conference. His remarks were in response to a Telemundo reporter’s question about what he was doing to support undocumented workers.

“Just yesterday, I announced the work we are doing to help support small businesses. I very specifically mentioned in my remarks yesterday that there are many businesses, tens of thousands of businesses, that do not and cannot get the support of the [Small Business Administration],” the governor continued.

“Those individual businesses, we are making available these emergency grants through our IBank to do these microloans to provide access,” Newsom said.
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