BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden’s “RUSSIAN BLACKMAIL PHOTOS” Uncovered – Hunter with Russians in Hollywood

For years we heard the left claimed Russia was holding blackmail information on Donald Trump. The left even suggested that there was a Russian ‘pee – pee’ tape. 

This was a complete lie. It was all made up. 

But the Russians certainly are holding blackmail tapes on Hunter Biden to use against a Biden administration.

We found the real blackmail photos.  This has nothing to do with President Trump.  But it does have everything to do with THE BIDENS.

Hunter Biden was certainly an addict and may still be.  He put himself in highly compromising situations as a result.  He was high or wasted much of the time and therefore very narcissistic and reckless.  This showed in the way Hunter treated women and drugs.

Hunter’s father Joe Biden used Hunter to put together deals around the world in a racketeering enterprise to increase the Biden family’s wealth.  This occurred throughout Joe’s 47 years in politics.  He’s now running for President.

But the Biden family has a problem.  They were involved in numerous shady deals around the world and they are susceptible to blackmail as a result.  In addition, Hunter put his family in additional blackmail situations all by himself.  Because of his addiction, Hunter found himself in shady places with shady people.

One such example was in October 2018 on Devlin Drive West Hollywood with some ‘friends’.  Hunter somehow landed in this luxurious property with a group of girls and guys.  One member of the group was a girl by the name of Christina.  She has a California driver’s license.  She also spent some time with Hunter.

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