Big Tech Slept With Communist China And Brought Venereal Censorship Back To America

Big Tech slept with communist China and brought venereal censorship back home to America. This is why it’s always dangerous to treat one-party authoritarian dictatorships as if they’re as harmless as Canada. If you don’t appreciate the intrinsic threat of governments that ban freedom, then they will spread their despotism faster than you can cure their disease.

Since Bill Clinton invited China into the World Trade Organization while pretending that the Tiananmen Square massacre never happened, and replaced American manufacturing jobs with China’s slave labor force, the stated foreign policy “dream” was for American society’s freedom and openness to rub off on our old communist foe. Instead, the United States has empowered China’s military might by enriching China with America’s investment wealth, and all Americans received in return was a crappy “Made in China” T-shirt.

Greedy Washington insiders let Wall Street sellout Main Streets across the country with the fairytale promise that we could buy a future-proof peace with China for the next century. China took Wall Street’s money, smiled while Washington whittled away America’s manufacturing expertise, and bought up America’s debt with U.S. citizens’ own money.

American globalists committed to undermining our blue-collar labor force for beads and trinkets have ensured the rise of a Chinese superpower that now threatens the equilibrium of peace and security that this great intercontinental transfer of wealth to Asia was supposed to prevent. China’s President Xi Jinping recently told his military to “prepare for war.” Once again, Clinton Democrats and neoconservative Republicans pursued the exact policies necessary to usher in a dangerous decade with the potential for worldwide conflict on the horizon.

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