Biden admin monitoring the 4 Russian warships off the coast of Cuba

The Biden administration is monitoring Four Russian warships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, are currently stationed just 200 miles off the coast of Florida as part of a planned military exercise. The fleet, which arrived in Havana Bay, Cuba on Wednesday, consists of a frigate, a Yasen-class nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine, an oil tanker, and a rescue tug. 

On Wednesday, Biden’s National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stated that the US is closely monitoring the Russian drills in the Atlantic, adding that there is no evidence of missile transfers from Russia to Cuba. 

"We have seen this kind of thing before and we expect to see this kind of thing again," Sullivan said to reporters on Air Force One. 

Speculation has risen that the naval deployment is a response to recent US actions, specifically allowing Ukraine to use American-made weapons within Russia to defend Ukraine’s second-largest city, as reported by the New York Post. 

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