Arkansas GOP Governor Vetoes Bill to Protect Children From Transgender Druggings, Mutilation

In the latest sorry instance of craven Republican behavior, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson vetoed legislation on Monday that would have protected children from being drugged and mutilated as part of a so-called gender transition.

Hutchinson vetoed the legislation that he called a “vast government overreach” that would interfere with the “parent, child, doctor-patient relationship.” He said that his heart went out to transgender children who would be forced to stop taking drugs as the result of the bill.

“That makes my heart break to think about it,” Hutchinson said.

He said that it is possible for lawmakers in both chambers to overturn his veto. The legislature is controlled by Republicans, many of whom actually have the courage to stand for the rights of children against an LGBT agenda that is after the souls of the most vulnerable.

Big League Politics has reported on the extreme cowardice of other Republican governors, such as Kristi Noem of South Dakota, who are putting dollar signs ahead of the well-being of children:

“Fox News host Tucker Carlson hammered South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem for “caving” to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) on legislation that would have kept transgender persons from participating with the opposite sex of their natural birth in student athletics.

“You said you were excited to sign it. Big business intercedes – NCAA, Chamber of Commerce and Amazon – and tells you not to sign it and you change your mind. I think a lot of our viewers are wondering your thinking on this and how exactly this happened,” Carlson said to Noem.

Noem disagreed with Carlson’s characterization of how the situation went down. She said she consulted with “legal scholars” on the legislation before deciding that she would oppose the bill.

“This bill would only allow the NCAA to bully South Dakota, and it would actually prevent women from being able to participate in collegiate sports,” she said.

“It would put a law on the books that would allow the NCAA to take punitive action against our state, and we’re a small state, Tucker. We have had to fight hard to get any tournaments to come to South Dakota,” Noem stated, adding that her lawyers would “very likely” lose the battle in the courts if she signed the measure into law.
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