Gracelife has been meeting since last summer in defiance of the ridiculous Rona mandates of the government.
It released a statement slamming the government for using the virus as a means to take power and challenged the official narrative about the virus itself.
For their sins of challenging totalitarian edicts, Pastor Coates was arrested, tried in secret, and thrown into prison for over a month."By the time the so-called "pandemic" is over, if it is ever permitted to be over, Albertans will be utterly reliant on government, instead of free, prosperous, and independent," said church leaders. "As such, we believe love for our neighbor demands that we exercise our civil liberties."
Thanks to an outpouring of support and a strong legal defense team, authorities finally released Pastor Coates a week ago. He immediately returned to the pulpit, where his full congregation was there to meet and worship with him.
Here's a full interview from last week with Coates discussing his imprisonment.
Today, the commies in Alberta had a new idea: erect some large scale fencing around the church and use police and private security to keep members from "unlawful" gatherings on their own church property.
Police and security are putting up a fence around Gracelife! Please pray for wisdom as our elders navigate this new development! @LaurenJDyck @tomascol @TomBuck @MichelleDLesley @Aspree_Berean @D_B_Harrison @TobyLogsdon @DrOakley1689 @MikeHovland
— Oma10 (@theresiasmith52) April 7, 2021